Sydney, Australia, 8th September 2011
New AFAS Website Portal Launched
Phoenix International has a new website portal for its Annual Fire Administration System (AFAS). The new website co-incides with the introduction of the AFAS to the Middle East.

Fire safety in the Middle East is now being taken very seriously as the region has had many problems and there has been a lack of systems and knowledge. Phoenix International has over twenty years experience in the field of fire safety and monitoring and are introducing this system to a growing market.

CEO of Phoenix International, Joseph Hallal said "...the AFAS website is an historical and unique system that will be utilised by Civil Defence, Municipalities and other Government Agencies.... It will change the way fire certification and safety monitoring is undertaken in the region and this system will work hand in hand with all Government departments..."

With the launch of the new AFAS website it will give our existing and new users all of the information about AFAS.


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