The Annual Fire Administration System (AFAS) is a cost effective, self management system that offers you a new way of looking after your fire services, AFAS and the issuing of Annual Fire Safety Statements (AFSS) by your government body work hand in hand with protecting you and the community from fire, By utilising the AFAS database you will be able to monitor all of your contractor activities and save time in processing your AFSS each year.
Once the fire services have been identified correctly and the contractors appointed for your buildings, the AFAS database is an integral support measure to ensure that all future Annual Fire Safety Statements are correct and issued on time.

AFAS brings together three areas of facilities management:

AFAS takes the guesswork out of preparing your annual statements. By including your buildings in the AFAS database you will achieve the following benefits:
  • Ready access to your building details on the secured AFAS website
  • Ready access to all of your contractor's contact details
  • All of your fire services will be listed with the relevant National Standards and Building Code clauses
  • The ability to check all inspections required within any month - enabling you to track your contractor’s activities
  • A record of annual inspections and rectification works required for all of your fire services
  • An accurately completed AFSS each year with inspection dates
  • All building plans, including fire engineering will be stored on AFAS
  • Google maps of the building location
AFAS's uses "i" solution (iPAD) technology for building inspections that automatically send reports to Civil Defence and alerts of faulty fire systems in buildings. The iPAD technology is 3 way linked to the AFAS system and fire alarm monitoring system.

AFAS is a unique system and is the first of its kind to be introduced to the Middle East.

AFAS also allows Civil Defence and Muncipalities to track all buildings via access to the system and allows them to take legal action via orders and fines for buildings not being maintained correctly.

For more information, contact us today.
PO Box 273
Cherrybrook NSW 2126
Phone: +61 2 9651 2267
Fax: +61 2 9651 2267
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